
Cloud Solutions

Steadfast Logistics is uniquely positioned in the Cloud Infrastructure Services space. The benefits of private cloud computing is simple and affordable.

Why Use a Cloud Solution?

Progressive companies use the cloud to:
• Reduce capital requirements for new initiatives
• Buy and deploy reliable and flexible servers
• Leverage a dynamic, scalable network and server infrastructure
• Develop and deploy new applications with minimum risk
• Eliminate delays inherent in corporate approval and procurement processes
• Minimize costly downtime with improved portability and survivability of computing resources
And because the infrastructure is managed and maintained by a qualified third party, internal expertise can be refocused on core activities strategic to the company's success.

Benefits of Cloud Computing

Minimize Redundant Infrastructure
Recover from hardware failures within seconds due to automatic self-healing features of the underlying VMware High Availability (HA) infrastructure and resource isolation.
Unprecedented Flexibility
Complete portability, root access to virtual servers, and execute live migrations and perform hardware maintenance with zero downtime
Disaster Recovery Solutions Reliable and effective.